Yesterday Monday June 24 2019 at the national museum, Jakarta Indonesia. The opening ceremony of the Korean DMZ is being held in search of the land of peace and photographic exhibition of choi byung kwan.
Before the event began, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Indonesia Mr. KIM CHANG BEOM, gave appreciative words
The demilitarized zone(DMZ) has been a buffer zone dividing south and north korea. It has remained as a special area where the history of the korean war in 1950-1953 still resides. It is remembered as not only a space of tragedy and wounds of national division, but also a symbol of antagonism between the two koreas. This year marks the 66th year anniversary of condusion of the armistice agreementz which created the DMZ after the and of the war.
The DMZ has witnessed cessation of artillery shootings and an absence of human walks for such a long time. Now it is being reborn as a new land of life. It was the land completely devastated by bombshells and wet with tears and blod of countless young soldiers. Now it is transformed into a blessed land in which many endangered natural species survice.
Rusty land mines, barbed wires, and some wild flowers opening through bullet holes of broken helmets show miraculously amazing beauty. Such scenes inside the DMZ reflect asirations of all the people who prayed for peace in this land.
Preparations for photo works by mr. Choi byung kwan would have been very had and even dangerous sometimes while taking pictures of scenes in the DMZ. I extend my heartfelt welcome to the opening of mr. Choi byung kwan photo exhibition, korea DMZ : in search for the land of peace and life, in jakarta.
I believe this special exhibition will add another significant momentum to the close partnership between korea and indonesia, a core partner in fulfilling korea new southem policy.
The peace on the korean peninsula will pave the way toward stability and common prosperity in northeast asia.
I also believe this photographic exhibition may a be a message of life and reconciliation, contribution to world peace. I deeply appreciate unswerving efforts of all the staff for preparing this event. Particularly, my special thanks go to a master photographer, Mr. Choi byung kwan for his precious art works.  
In the photography exhibition yesterday there were lots of interesting and beautiful photos taken by Choi Byung Kwan, where he took pictures right on the border between South Korea and North Korea. Or we are more familiar with the term KOREA DMZ.
The Korean War first erupted on Sunday, June 25, 1950. The war which lasted for three years could be stopped under the border between the southern and northern regions. But this terrible war left three million dead, ten million family members separated so that the land was completely destroyed. This war ended with the signing of the armaments agreement on July 27, 1953 in "Panmunjom"
According to the armaments agreement, the buffer zone stretches along 249 KM with a width of 4 KM. It is a DMZ (Demilitarized zone) created along a line that connects between the boundaries of South Korea and North Korea with the aim of avoiding military conflict. In this line 1,125 points of signposts were installed from the west end to the east end of the DMZ.

History : 
11 February 1945 : 38th parallel line is confirmed at the Yalta conference the division of Korea began at the end of world war II in 1945. The Soviet occupied the south, with the boundary between their zones being the 38th parallel. 
25 June 1950 : Korean war break out, the United Nations security council authorized the formation of the United Nations command and the dispatch of Forces to Korea. Twenty one countries of the United Nations eventually contributed to the UN force, with the United States providing around 90% of the military personnel. 
27 July 1953 : signed the truce agreement the subsequent korean war, which lasted from 1950 to 1953, ended with a stalemate and has left the two Korea separated by the Korean DEMILITAIZED ZONE (DMZ) Up to the present day. 

Out Line : 
1. Buffer zone of 249.4KM length and 4KM width
2. 2KM north and south from the military demarcation line 
3. All military activities are prohibited
4. Restrictions on civilians 
Museum of ecology, history and culture : 
1. A total of 91 endangered species of animal and plant are living, including cranes, humming bird and musk deer, are home to 1,100 plant species, 80 fish species and 50 mammals. 
2. Montane wetland formed over 4,500 - 5000 years. It has high academy value, and composed of numerous ecological resources that maintain high biodiversity, such as the large - scale, self - growth of rare insects and plants. 
3. Historical remains are preserved. Such as, archaeological site of cheorwonseong fortress, changhua temple, and seungyangsanseong fortress.
4. In the process of UNESCO World heritage. 


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