
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2020

Make up korean look Get ready with K-Beauty in korean cultural center indonesia

On Wednesday, February 26, 2020, every month the KCC (Korean cultural center of Indonesia) holds a mandatory event that is "Korean culture Day", in this month's theme, the Korean Cultural Center Indonesia takes the theme "Korean Beauty", many things are taken in the event this. There were 50 participants, those who were chosen to come to the Korean Cultural Center Indonesia to take part in this event, learn how to do makeup like Korean people, how to use good and correct makeup brushes, and be taught how to make-up that matches the color our skin is like makeup like Korea or you could say (Korean Look). What is unique in this event is that of the 50 participants who attended and the average was attended by women, but there was a man who took this cultural class named Farhan, he was also one of the Honorary reporters from Indonesia, according to him it was not wrong if a man Men do make-up with the aim to improve their nice and coo...

K-Beauty make up ala korea di korean cultural center indonesia

Pada hari Rabu 26 Februari 2020, setiap bulannya KCC (Korean cultural center Indonesia) mengadakan acara yang wajib diadakan yaitu "Korean culture Day", dalam tema bulan ini, Korean Cultural Center Indonesia mengambil tema "Korean Beauty", banyak hal yang diambil dalam acara ini. Para peserta yang hadir ada 50 orang, mereka yang terpilih datang ke Korean Cultural Center Indonesia untuk mengikuti kegiatan acara ini, belajar caranya makeup seperti orang korea, bagaimana caranya menggunakan brush makeup yang baik dan benar, serta diajarkan bagaimana make-up yang sesuai dengan warna kulit kita layaknya makeup seperti Korea atau bisa dibilang (Korean Look). Yang unik dalam acara ini adalah dari 50 peserta yang hadir dan rata rata diikuti oleh para wanita, tetapi ada satu pria yang mengikuti kelas kebudayaan ini yang bernama Farhan, dia juga salah satu anggota Honorary reporters dari Indonesia, menurut dia adalah tidak ada salahnya apa...

Korean festivals at Jakarta's Global mandiri school showcase Hanbook Korean traditional clothes made of beautiful and unique plastic waste

On Saturday, February 22, 2020, one of the schools in Jakarta held an event with the theme "Korean Festival School". A lot of events were held in this event, there was a very interesting thing that is "Hanbook fashion show" This fashion show shows hanbook or Korean traditional clothes but the main ingredient is waste plastic that is made and processed into a very beautiful hanbook. The hanbook fashion show was attended by 7 participants, each participant created a hanbook from waste plastic waste, lots of variations and models that they made from the top of the clothes, the bottom of the clothes and not forgetting to miss the hat section were also made using plastic waste materials. In this event there is also the KCC Booth or Korean Cultural Center Indonesia, in this KCC Booth there are many activities that we follow, such as making traditional fan toys, making names using Hangul, making traditional South Korean traditional hangers...

Korean festival di sekolah global mandiri jakarta menampilkan Hanbook baju tradisional korea yang terbuat dari sampah plastik yang indah sekaligus unik

Pada hari Sabtu 22 Februari 2020, salah satu sekolah di Jakarta mengadakan acara dengan tema "Korean Festival School" banyak sekali acara yang diadakan dalam acara ini, ada hal yang sangat menarik yaitu "Fashion show Hanbook" Fashion show ini menunjukkan hanbook atau pakaian tradisional Korea tetapi bahan utamanya adalah limbah plastik yang dibuat dan diolah menjadi hanbook yang sangat cantik. Fashion show hanbook ini diikuti oleh 7 peserta, masing masing peserta berkreasi membuat hanbook dari limbah sampah plastik, banyak sekali variasi dan model yang mereka bikin dari mulai bagian atas pakaian, bagian bawah pakaian dan tidak lupa ketinggalan bagian Topi juga dibuat menggunakan bahan limbah plastik. Dalam acara ini juga terdapat Booth KCC atau Korean Cultural Center Indonesia, didalam Booth KCC ini banyak sekali kegiatan yang kita ikuti, seperti membuat mainan kipas tradisional, membuat nama menggunakan Hangul, membuat gantungan tradis...

Korea Spring Tour at the Namji Yuchae Flower Complex and Namji Sports Park

Located in the Changjieong Namji-eup area, the Namji Yuchae Flower Complex and Namji Sports Park offer views of the yellow canola that are branded along the banks of the Changnyeong Nakdonggang river. The beauty of the natural scenery at this location is what makes local residents routinely hold the Yuchae Flower Festival annually. This festival offers a variety of performances held in a large room filled with insects and birds; exhibition of agricultural products and regional specialties; sales kiosks, experiences, and various events held; Namji Cheolgyo Gallery; yuchae flower photo contest; and other interesting events for visitors to enjoy.

wisata musim semi korea di Kompleks Bunga Yuchae Namji dan Taman Olahraga Namji

Terletak di daerah Namji-eup Changnyeong, Kompleks Bunga Yuchae Namji dan Taman Olahraga Namji menawarkan pemandangan bunga canola kuning yang bermerakan di sepanjang tepi sungai Changnyeong Nakdonggang. Keindahan pemandangan alam di lokasi inilah yang membuat penduduk lokal rutin mengadakan Festival Bunga Yuchae setiap tahunnya. Festival ini menawarkan berbagai pertunjukan yang diadakan di sebuah ruangan besar yang dipenuhi dengan serangga dan burung-burung; pameran produk pertanian dan produk khas daerah; kios penjualan, pengalaman, dan berbagai acara yang digelar; Galeri Namji Cheolgyo; lomba foto bunga yuchae; dan acara menarik lainnya untuk dinikmati para pengunjung.

Spring tour on Jeju Island, South Korea's Jeju International Convention Center (ICC)

spring tour in beautiful south korea at the international convention center park jeju south korea. Who among you does not know Jeju Island in South Korea !? Jeju Island is one of the most famous tourist destinations in South Korea. There are many romantic places in Jeju in the spring, one of them at the International Convention Center (ICC) Park. Every year, this location is always used for the Seogwipo Yuchae (Canola) International Flower Streets festival. During the festival, you can enjoy views of Jeju's springtime by walking along the expanse of yellow canola flowers. Romantic, right, ?

Wisata musim semi di pulau jeju korea selatan Taman International Convention Center (ICC) Jeju

wisata musim semi di korea selatan yang indah di taman internasional convention center jeju korea selatan. siapa diantara kalian yang tidak tahu pulau jeju yang berada di korea selatan !? Pulau Jeju adalah salah satu destinasi wisata paling terkenal di Korea Selatan. Ada banyak tempat romantis di Jeju saat musim semi, salah satunya di Taman International Convention Center (ICC). Setiap tahunnya, lokasi ini selalu digunakan untuk festival Jalan-Jalan Internasional Bunga Seogwipo Yuchae (Canola). Selama festival digelar, kamu dapat menikmati pemandangan musim semi Jeju dengan berjalan menyusuri hamparan bunga-bunga canola kuning. Romantis, kan, Chingedul?

Korean spring tour on Mount Jirisan in Sandong-myeon, Gurye-gun. It's very beautiful

If you are satisfied around the city of Seoul, you can switch to nature by enjoying the atmosphere on Mount Jirisan, Sandong-Myeon. The exotic natural scenery with a refreshing spring temperature can make the atmosphere of your walk romantic. Moreover, every spring, this region always holds the first flower festival that can make you more amazed at South Korea, namely the Gurye Sansuyu Festival which offers the beauty of cherry cornelian (yellow cherry blossoms) in bloom. You can see this festival at the resort of the hot springs of Mount Jirisan, Sandong-myeon, Gurye-gun, Jeollanam-do. If you are among those who admire various flowers, come to the Gurye Sansuyu Festival which is usually held in March along with the arrival of spring. During the spring of Gurye, Jeollanam Province is filled with flowers from the yellow Sansuyu tree. When tourists visit Sangwi village, which is the center of the Gurye Sansuyu Festival, we will be greeted with yellow flowe...