
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2020

Korea tour in the spring at Jinhae Gunhangje Cherry Flower Festival, Busan South Korea

This cherry blossom festival is not only in Seoul. But we can also enjoy it in Busan which is the Jinhae Gunhangje Cherry Flower Festival. When we are in Busan it is mandatory to stop by this spring festival. This festival is held in early April and is usually held for 10 days. Jinhae is about an hour away from Busan, which is one of the largest houses for cherry trees in South Korea. What activities are there at this Jinhae Gunhangje Cherry Flower Festival? Usually we will be presented with several activities such as for example the street parade and also some art performances. There we can also find a bridge of "romance" that is getting more and more beautiful and charming because along the side there are several rows of cherry trees that are blooming beautifully and besides that the railroad tracks that line the cherry trees bloom on the left and right sides, making this festival even more beautiful and charming.

wisata korea pada musim semi di Jinhae Gunhangje Cherry Flower Festival, Busan korea selatan

Festival bunga sakura ini tidak hanya ada di Seoul saja ya. Tapi kita juga bisa menikmatinya di Busan yaitu ada Jinhae Gunhangje Cherry Flower Festival. Ketika kita berada di Busan maka wajib hukumnya untuk mampir ke festival musim semi yang satu ini.  Festival ini diadakan pada awal bulan April dan biasanya diadakan selama 10 hari lamanya. Jinhae ini jarakanya sekitar kurang lebih 1 jam saja dari Busan, merupakan salah satu rumah terbesar bagi pohon sakura di Korea Selatan. Aktiftias apa saja yang ada di Jinhae Gunhangje Cherry Flower Festival ini?  Biasanya kita akan disuguhkan beberpaa kegiatan seperti misalnya saja parade jalanan dan juga beberapa penampilan seni. Disana kita juga bisa menemukan jembatan “romance” yang semakin cantik dan menawan karena disepanjang sisinya ada beberapa deret pohon sakura yang sedang mekar dengan cantik dan selain itu juga rel kereta api yang berjajar pohon sakura mekar di samping kiri dan kanannya, membuat festival ini s...

Spring tour at Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival, Seoul, South Korea

Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival, if you go to Seoul in April, you have to take part in this festival. Maybe if we all knew Han River right? Well this spring festival is held at Yeouido park precisely to the right of the Han River. Usually this festival is held every early April, starting from April 1-10. You will all be amazed and have no regrets if you go to this festival because the cherry blossoms are blooming and lined up on the roadside neatly, you can make this place as a romantic and beautiful picture location against the background of the cherry blossom trees. Around 1600 cherry blossoms are in the festival which is regularly held every year. Not only local tourists, many foreign tourists are also interested in this festival. When the Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival is held, there will usually be a lot of tents selling typical Korean food and besides that we can also enjoy some live music performances from young South Korean kids. If you feel curious about the festiv...

wisata musim semi di Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival, Seoul korea selatan

Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival, kalau ke Seoul waktu bulan April wajib banget ya untuk mengikuti festival yang satu ini. Mungkin kalau Han river kita semua sudah tahu ya? Nah festival musim semi ini diadakan di Yeouido park tepatnya berada di sebelah kanan dari sungai Han. Biasanya festival ini diadakan setiap awal bulan April, mulai dari tanggal 1-10 April.  Kalian semua akan takjub dan tidak menyesal jika sudah pergi ke festival ini karena bunga sakura sedang mekar dan berjajar di pinggiran jalan dengan rapi, kalian bisa menjadikan tempat ini sebagai lokasi berfoto yang romantis dan cantik dengan latar jajaran pohon bunga sakura. Sekitar 1600 bunga sakura ada di dalam festival yang rutin diadakan setiap tahun ini. Tak hanya turis lokal saja, banyak turis asing yang juga tertarik dengan festival ini.  Ketika Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival ini diadakan maka biasanya akan banyak berdiri tenda-tenda yang menjual makanan khas Korea dan selain itu kita juga bisa menik...

Spring in South Korea's Seokchonhosu Lake

for those of you who are interested in visiting South Korea in the spring of 2020 it would not hurt to immediately come and visit this tourist spot This tour is very beautiful and attracts many people who want to visit this tour, and those who come on this tour are not only Koreans but also many foreign tourists who come, they all really enjoy the beautiful scenery that only exists in South Korea Every spring, Lake Seokchonhosu offers beautiful views. about 300,000 cherry blossoms and other wildflowers are blooming on the shores of Lake Seokchonhosu. Many romantic spots in this location. Especially in spring, the Seokchonhosu Lake area is always used as the location of the cherry blossom festival. This festival is usually held between early April and mid-April. Besides that, various shows, exhibitions and interesting activities were also held during this festival

Musim semi di Danau Seokchonhosu korea selatan

Setiap musim semi, Danau Seokchonhosu menawarkan pemandangan indah. sekitar 300.000 bunga sakura dan bunga-bunga liar lainnya bermekaran di tepi Danau Seokchonhosu. Banyak spot yang romantis di lokasi ini. Apalagi saat musim semi, area Danau Seokchonhosu selalu dijadikan sebagai lokasi festival cherry blossom. Festival ini biasanya diadakan antara awal April hingga pertengahan April. Selain itu berbagai pertunjukan, pameran, dan aktivitas menarik juga diselenggarakan selama festival ini

South Korean horror film Gonjiam Haunted Asylum

Directed: Jung Bum-shik Produced: Kim Won-kuk Written: Jung Bum-shik, Park Sang-min Distributed: Warner Bros, Showbox Release: March 28, 2018 Running time: 91 minutes Country: South Korea What happens if a group of teenagers who want to be popular try to explore mystical places and record everything they find there directly? This is what we will cover in the film Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. Korean young people named Wi Ha-joon, Park Ji-hyun as Ji-hyun, Oh A-yeon, and Park Sung-hoon and Moon Ye-won (Charlotte) want to explore Gonjiam, a former psychiatric hospital filled with stories mystical. All five have different characters and make this young person a team that is not compact and actually has their own personal ambitions. It is said that from mouth to mouth, many Gonjiam mental hospital patients were killed. For the sake of curiosity over these five young people then try to find out these myths directly and record all forms of activities in the ...

Film Horor Korea selatan Gonjiam Haunted Asylum

Directed : Jung Bum-shik Produced : Kim Won-kuk Written : Jung Bum-shik, Park Sang-min Distributed : Warner Bros, Showbox Release : March 28, 2018 Running time : 91 minutes Country : South Korea Bagaimana jadinya jika sekelompok remaja yang ingin populer mencoba menjelajahi tempat-tempat mistis dan merekam semua apa yang mereka temukan disana secara langsung? Inilah yang akan kami ulas dalam film Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. Anak muda Korea bernama Wi Ha-joon, Park Ji-hyun as Ji-hyun, Oh A-yeon, dan Park Sung-hoon dan Moon Ye-won (Charlotte) ingin menelusuri Gonjiam, bekas rumah sakit jiwa yang diliputi dengan cerita-cerita mistis. Kelimanya memiliki karakter yang berbeda dan menjadikan anak muda ini merupakan tim yang tidak kompak dan justru memiliki ambisi pribadi masing-masing. Konon, dari mlut ke mulut, banyak pasien rumah sakit jiwa Gonjiam yang tewas terbunuh. Demi rasa penasaran yang lebih kelima anak muda ini kemudian mencoba sendiri ...