K-Bojagi Experience with Korea cultural center Indonesia


On Saturday, October 23, 2021, the Indonesian Korean cultural center held a bojagi folding art experience event, before this event started the Korean cultural center Indonesia explained in advance what bojagi is, the history of bojagi and explained the stages of folding or how to wrap using bojagi, Bojagi is one of the a traditional Korean craft which is basically a wrapping cloth and is made from one whole piece of cloth or made from pieces of cloth or patchwork (jogakbo).

Jogakbo is the most characteristic bojagi style because it is made of pieces of cloth with various kinds of abstract geometric shapes and the harmonization of colors that compose them. Commonly used materials are silk, jute and linen as well as handmade paper. The connection stitches on the bojagi are divided into several types where the joint stitches between the fabrics form a line so that the bojagi tends to be seen from two sides. This bojagi exploration will be applied to fashion products.

This event is still included in the series of events for the 2021 Korean festival, in this event the number of participants who are included is still limited to only 50 people due to the COVID-19 pandemic, participants attending this event must comply with health protocols, even though there is still a pandemic outbreak. covid-19 the participants were very enthusiastic in participating in this activity, because it had been a long time since the pandemic spread there had not been any event held.

In this event we are taught various kinds of ways to fold bojagi, of course with several forms, this event is very good to be held because it introduces Korean wrapping cloth crafts, the participants who attended this event did not know what bojagi was then after attending this event they became know that Korea does not only have kpop and drama, but there are so many things about Korea that we can learn and experience this culture, this is very, very memorable.



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