
Kondisi Alam Hutan Papua: Keajaiban Alam yang Perlu Dilestarikan

Hutan Papua, yang membentang di pulau terbesar kedua di dunia setelah Greenland, adalah salah satu keajaiban alam yang masih tersisa di planet ini. Terletak di Indonesia bagian timur, hutan ini meliputi dua provinsi besar, Papua dan Papua Barat, yang menyimpan kekayaan biodiversitas luar biasa dan memainkan peran penting dalam ekosistem global. Meski memiliki potensi besar, hutan Papua menghadapi berbagai ancaman yang perlu segera ditangani untuk memastikan kelestariannya. Hutan Papua dikenal sebagai salah satu tempat dengan keanekaragaman hayati tertinggi di dunia. Dalam kawasan ini, terdapat ribuan spesies tumbuhan, mamalia, burung, serangga, dan amfibi yang tidak ditemukan di tempat lain. Sebagai contoh, burung cendrawasih, yang dikenal sebagai "bird of paradise," merupakan salah satu spesies ikonik yang hanya bisa ditemukan di wilayah ini. Selain itu, hutan Papua juga merupakan rumah bagi beberapa spesies mamalia unik seperti kanguru pohon dan berbagai jenis m

Natural Conditions of Papua's Forests: Natural Wonders that Need to Be Preserved

The forests of Papua, which stretch across the world's second largest island after Greenland, are one of the planet's remaining natural wonders. Located in eastern Indonesia, this forest covers two large provinces, Papua and West Papua, which contain extraordinary biodiversity and play an important role in the global ecosystem. Even though they have great potential, Papua's forests face various threats that need to be addressed immediately to ensure their sustainability.  Papua's forests are known as one of the places with the highest biodiversity in the world. In this area, there are thousands of species of plants, mammals, birds, insects and amphibians that are not found anywhere else. For example, the bird of paradise, known as the "bird of paradise," is one of the iconic species that can only be found in this region. Apart from that, Papua's forests are also home to several unique mammal species such as tree kangaroos and various other

KCCI Celebrates March with Various Competitions

Various competitions are being held by the Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (KCCI) throughout March 2023. Starting from writing Hangeul (Korean script), writing poetry, debating in Korean, to singing covers. "Holding various competitions is one of our efforts to promote Korean culture. Included also in order to enliven the celebration 50 Years of Korea-Indonesia Diplomatic Relations. We look forward with enthusiasm to the works for the various ongoing competitions," said the Director of KCCI, Kim Yong Woon. The ongoing competitions are as follows. - Hangeul Handwriting Contest (Registration : 2-20 March 2023) Invite participants to rewrite the poem in Hangeul using their own handwriting. Link : - 2023 Korean Language Debate Competition for D3/S1 Students throughout Indonesia (Registration: 6-27 March 2023) Through this competition, the participants will show their Korean language skills as well as knowledge about Kore

KCCI Meriahkan Maret dengan Berbagai Lomba

  Beragam lomba digelar oleh Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (KCCI)   sepanjang bulan Maret 2023.   Mulai   dari   menulis   Hangeul   (aksara   Korea),   menulis   puisi,   debat dalam bahasa Korea, hingga sing cover .   “Mengadakan beragam lomba menjadi   salah   satu   upaya   kami   dalam mempromosikan budaya Korea. Termasuk juga dalam rangka memeriahkan perayaan 50 Tahun Hubungan Diplomatik Korea-Indonesia. Kami menantikan dengan semangat k a r y a - k a r y a   u n t u k   b e r a g a m   l om b a   y a n g   s e d a n g   b e r l a ngs u n g , ”   u ngk a p   D i r e k t u r   K CC I , Kim Yong Woon.   Adapun lomba-lomba yang sedang berlangsung adalah sebagai berikut. -    Hangeul Handwriting Contest (Pendaftaran : 2-20 Maret 2023) Mengajak peserta menuliskan kembali puisi dalam Hangeul menggunakan tulisan tangan sendiri. Pranala   :

KCCI Bring Celebration 'Jeongwol Daeboreum' to Bandung

In order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between South Korea and Indonesia, which falls in 2023, the Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (KCCI) brought the traditional Korean celebration 'Jeongwol Daeboreum' (정월 대보름) to Bandung on 4 February 2023. The event is open to the public this took place in a shopping center in Bandung, West Java. 'Jeongwol Daeboreum' is the celebration of the first full moon, which is on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar. KCCI brings a number of activities that are usually carried out during the 'Jeongwol Daeboreum'. On this occasion, KCCI Director Kim Yong Woon lit the lights (as a symbol of fire) at the 'daljip' (moon house), one of the special traditions of the 'Jeongwol Daeboreum'. The event participants had the opportunity to do activities part of the 'Jeongwol Daeboreum', such as writing messages of hope, cracking nuts, and playing traditional games. Do not miss, ta

KCCI Bawa Perayaan ‘ Jeongwol Daeboreum’ ke Bandung

  Dalam rangka memeriahkan peringatan 50 Tahun Hubungan Diplomatik Korea Selatan dan Indonesia, yang jatuh pada tahun 2023, Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (KCCI) m e m ba w a   p e r a y a a n   t r a disi o nal   K o r e a   ‘ J e o n g w o l   D a e b o r e u m ’   ( 정 월   대보 름 )   k e   B a n d u ng pada 4 Februari 2023. Acara yang terbuka untuk umum ini berlangsung di salah satu pusat perbelanjaan di Bandung, Jawa Barat. ‘ J e o n g w o l   D a e b o r e u m ’   m e r u p a k a n   p e r a y a a n   b ul a n   p u r na m a   p e n u h   p e r t a m a,   y ai t u pada hari ke-15 bulan pertama kalender lunar. KCCI membawa sejumlah kegiatan yang biasa dila k u k a n saat ‘ J e o n g w o l D a e b o r e u m ’ .   Pada kesempatan ini, Direktur KCCI Kim Yong Woon menyalakan lampu (sebagai s i m b o l   ap i )   p a da   ‘ dal j i p ’   ( r u m ah   b ul a n ) ,   sal a h   sa t u   t r a d isi   k h as   ‘ J e o n g w o l   D a e b o r e u m ’. Pa r a  

KCCI First Visit to Bandung in 2023

  The Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (KCCI) is again making visits to regions in order to introduce Korean culture to people in Indonesia. The first visit in 2023 was made to SMAK 2 BPK Penabur, Bandung, on 3 February 2023. The history of Korean characters, Hangeul, and traditional Korean clothing, namely Hanbok, were the two main points presented on this visit. In terms of experience, the students were introduced to playing Tuho, making Korean handicraft lanterns called cheongsachorong, and tasting traditional Korean snacks called gangjeong. KCCI Director Kim Yong Woon said that one of the programs that will be carried out by KCCI in 2023 is a visit to the regions. "This year is special because of the various visits that will be carried out by KCCI in order to participate in celebrating 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations between South Korea and Indonesia," said Director Kim. The school visited by KCCI this time is one of the schools in Indonesia that applies Korean language