
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2021

Follow BTS' Trail to Traditional Places in Korea, Come on!

  K-Pop group Bangtan Boys or better known as BTS did not let their international fame cover their Korean roots. From time to time, they made music videos at Gyeongbokgung palace wearing hanbok, and even appeared on NBC talk shows wearing hanbok. In Korea, they visited many traditional places, creating a fun tour course for the army, as BTS fans are called, who want to follow in their footsteps. Let's start! Korea Furniture Museum Recently, BTS appeared on the latest episode of “You Quiz on the Block,” which was filmed at this museum. Actually, BTS is not the only celebrity who has visited this attraction. The museum's guest book lists the names of famous international figures such as Xi Jinping, Brad Pitt, and Martha Stewart. The Korea Furniture Museum is a unique museum that collects and displays traditional Korean wooden furniture. Items are grouped according to their location and use in traditional houses, as well as by material and region of origin. The museum takes ...

Ikut Jejak BTS ke Tempat-Tempat Tradisional di Korea, Yuk!

  Grup K-Pop Bangtan Boys atau lebih dikenal dengan BTS tidak membiarkan ketenaran internasional mereka menutupi akar Korea mereka. Beberapa waktu, mereka membuat video musik di istana Gyeongbokgung dengan mengenakan hanbok, bahkan muncul di acara bincang-bincang NBC dengan mengenakan hanbok. Di Korea, mereka mengunjungi banyak tempat tradisional, menciptakan tour course yang menyenangkan bagi para army, sebutan bagi penggemar BTS, yang ingin mengikuti jejak mereka. Mulai, yuk! Korea Furniture Museum Baru-baru ini, BTS tampil dalam episode terbaru "You Quiz on the Block," yang mengambil lokasi syuting di museum ini. Sebenarnya, BTS bukan satu-satunya selebriti yang pernah mengunjungi objek wisata ini. Buku tamu museum mencatat nama tokoh internasional terkenal seperti Xi Jinping, Brad Pitt, dan Martha Stewart. Korea Furniture Museum adalah museum unik yang mengoleksi dan memajang furnitur kayu tradisional Korea. Barang-barang dikelompokkan menurut lokasi dan kegunaannya...

KTO (Korea Tourism Organization) partners with Tottenham star Son Heung-min as Honorary Ambassador

  The Korea Tourism Organization is pleased to announce its latest partnership with world-class soccer player Son Heung-min, a member of Tottenham Hotspur since 2015 and the first Asian player in history to score more than 50 goals in the Premier League. In today's ceremony (July 6, 2021) in Seoul, Son was appointed as the Honorary Ambassador for Korean Tourism. As international tourism begins to resume following the COVID-19 crisis, there is no more important moment to reintroduce Korea to the world as a dynamic and exciting travel destination than with Son, or “Sonny”, as he is affectionately known, at the forefront. Promotional content to be released later this year includes a creative 1 minute 30 second video ad with the theme 'This is my Korea, where's yours?' The content will be uploaded to the Korea Tourism Organization's social media channels (including YouTube channels @VisitKorea, @ImagineyourKorea) along with promotional images and exclusive behind-th...

KTO (Korea Tourism Organization) bermitra dengan bintang Tottenham Son Heung-min sebagai Duta Kehormatan

  Organisasi Pariwisata Korea dengan senang hati mengumumkan kemitraan terbarunya dengan pemain sepak bola kelas dunia Son Heung-min, anggota Tottenham Hotspur sejak 2015 dan pemain Asia pertama dalam sejarah yang mencetak lebih dari 50 gol di Liga Premier. Dalam upacara hari ini (6 Juli 2021) di Seoul, Son ditunjuk sebagai Duta Kehormatan untuk Pariwisata Korea. Ketika pariwisata internasional mulai dilanjutkan setelah krisis COVID-19, tidak ada momen yang lebih penting untuk memperkenalkan kembali Korea ke dunia sebagai tujuan wisata yang dinamis dan menarik daripada dengan Son, atau “Sonny”, panggilan akrabnya, di garis depan. Konten promosi yang akan dirilis akhir tahun ini meliputi iklan video kreatif berdurasi 1 menit 30 detik dengan tema 'Ini Koreaku, mana punyamu?' Konten tersebut akan diunggah ke saluran media sosial Organisasi Pariwisata Korea (termasuk saluran YouTube @VisitKorea, @ImagineyourKorea) bersama dengan berbagai gambar promosi dan konten eksklusif di b...

5 places to shoot Korean dramas that you must visit for traveling

  Korean dramas always feature interesting and different place backgrounds from one scene to another. However, there are some iconic locations that are still favorites to be used as backdrops in dramas, and the drama's shooting locations can be used for traveling while on vacation to South Korea, what are those places? : Aqua Planet 63 One of the largest aquariums in South Korea, this became the shooting location for the popular drama "The Legend of The Blue Sea". This drama is played by Lee Min Ho and Jun Ji Hyun. Aqua Planet is located at 63 Square Building, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul. Very suitable for those of you who like to travel with the feel of the sea. Pocheon Valley of Arts The drama "The Legend of The Blue Sea" is also filming in this Pocheon Art Valley. This location is the backdrop for scenes that take place during the Joseon kingdom. If you stop by this place, don't forget to take a photo because it's guaranteed to be really cool! Sa...

5 tempat lokasi shooting drama korea yang wajib kamu kunjungi untuk berwisata

  Drama Korea selalu menampilkan latar belakang tempat yang menarik dan berbeda dari satu adegan dengan adegan lainnya. Namun, ada beberapa lokasi ikonik yang tetap menjadi favorit untuk dijadikan latar belakang dalam drama, dan tempat lokasi shooting drama tersebut bisa dijadikan untuk kamu berwisata pada saat berlibur ke korea selatan, tempat apa saja itu? Berikut adalah tempatnya : Aqua Planet 63 Salah satu akurarium terbesar di Korea Selatan ini menjadi lokasi syuting untuk drama populer "The Legend of The Blue Sea". Drama ini diperankan oleh Lee Min Ho dan Jun Ji Hyun. Aqua Planet terletak di 63 Square Building, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul. Cocok banget untuk kamu yang suka traveling dengan nuansa laut. Pocheon Art Valley Drama "The Legend of The Blue Sea" juga melakukan syuting di Pocheon Art Valley ini. Lokasi ini menjadi latar belakang adegan yang terjadi di masa kerajaan Joseon. Kalau kamu mampir ke tempat ini, jangan lupa foto karena dijamin keren bange...

Let's Explore Incheon with Feel the Rhythm of Korea!

  Have you watched the latest video from the “Feel the Rhythm of Korea” series? In this latest video, there are several special guest stars, apart from dancers from Ambiguous Dance Company, there are also stars from the program “2 Days & 1 Night”! They dance starting from Incheon International Airport, as the main entrance for Most tourists, then continue to some fun locations to explore in Incheon city. Anything? Come on note! 1. Ganghwa Anglican Church Built in November 1900, the Ganghwa Anglican church has maintained its authenticity. This church is the first church built in the traditional hanok style. While the interior mostly features western-style elements, the exterior looks like one of a royal palace building or even a Buddhist temple. After exploring the church, a great place to relax is the Joyangbangjik cafe. This cafe is located in a renovated former weaving factory and serves a variety of coffee and non-coffee drinks. Additional points of interest in the G...

Ayo Jelajahi Incheon Bersama Feel the Rhythm of Korea!

  Sudah menonton video terbaru dari seri “Feel the Rhythm of Korea”? Pada video terbaru ini ada beberapa bintang tamu spesial, selain penari dari Ambiguous Dance Company, hadir juga bintang-bintang dari program “2 Days & 1 Night”! Mereka menari mulai dari Bandara Internasional Incheon, sebagai pintu masuk utama bagi Sebagian besar wisatawan, lalu berlanjut ke beberapa lokasi menyenangkan untuk dijelajahi di kota Incheon. Apa saja? Ayo catat! 1. Gereja Anglikan Ganghwa Dibangun pada November 1900, gereja Anglikan Ganghwa tetap terjaga keasliannya. Gereja ini adalah gereja pertama yang dibangun dengan gaya hanok tradisional. Sementara interiornya sebagian besar menampilkan elemen bergaya barat, tetapi eksteriornya terlihat seperti salah satu bangunan istana kerajaan atau bahkan kuil Buddha. Setelah menjelajahi gereja, tempat yang bagus untuk bersantai adalah kafe Joyangbangjik. Kafe ini terletak di bekas pabrik tenun yang telah direnovasi dan menyajikan berbagai minuman kop...

For you K-POP lovers, you must visit these 5 destinations when you go to South Korea

  K-pop, (short for Korean pop; Korean: 케이팝 ) is a type of popular music originating from South Korea. Many Korean pop music artists and groups have penetrated domestic borders and are popular overseas. The love for K-Pop music is an inseparable part of the Korean Wave in various countries. For Korean pop fans themselves, of course you want to come to see the ginseng country where your idol is right? You can also come to Korean tourist attractions. Hallyu K-Star Road The first famous tourist spot in South Korea is the Hallyu K-Star Road in the Gangnam area, Seoul. In this place, there is a statue that has the characteristics of every famous boy group or girl group in South Korea, such as Girls Generation, BTS, EXO, AOA, and so on. The Gangnam area is also known as a shopping, culinary, and cultural center in Seoul. The location of Hallyu K-Star Road is also close to the offices of famous K-pop entertainment agencies such as JYP Entertainment, Cube Entertainment, and FNC Enter...

Buat kamu pecinta K-POP wajib kunjungi 5 destinasi ini saat pergi ke korea selatan

  K-pop, (singkatan dari Korean pop; Korea: 케이팝 ) adalah jenis musik populer yang berasal dari Korea Selatan . Banyak artis dan kelompok musik pop Korea sudah menembus batas dalam negeri dan populer di mancanegara. Kegandrungan akan musik K-Pop merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari Demam Korea (Korean Wave) di berbagai negara. Untuk penggemar Korea pop sendiri, kalian tentu ingin datang untuk melihat langsung negeri gingseng dimana idola anda berada bukan? Anda juga bisa datang ke tempat wisata korea. Hallyu K-Star Road Tempat wisata terkenal di Korea Selatan yang pertama adalah Hallyu K-Star Road yang berada di kawasan Gangnam, Seoul. Di tempat ini, terdapat patung memiliki ciri khas dari setiap boygroup atau girlgroup tenar di Korea Selatan, seperti Girls Generation, BTS, EXO, AOA, dan sebagainya. Kawasan Gangnam juga dikenal sebagai pusat perbelanjaan, kuliner, hingga budaya yang ada di Seoul. Lokasi dari Hallyu K-Star Road juga berdekatan dengan kantor agensi enterta...

Get to know the medical health and beauty tourism city in South Korea

  The Korean Tourism Organization (KTO) continues to introduce the prestige of Daejeon as a medical and beauty tourism destination. In this city, medical facilities for health and beauty are adequate and sophisticated, Daejeon is indeed a small city in South Korea but the technology is very advanced, even the most advanced in South Korea. Seoul is still the main destination for tourists for beauty treatments. Even though the quality of beauty treatments in the city of Daejeon is also no less far away and of course better. Daejeon has been equipped with WiFi networks in every corner of the city. Interestingly, there are about 2,000 beauty clinics along the road as well as 10 international hospitals. Many Indonesians want to go to Korea for medical treatment, but they are concentrated in Seoul. Even though in the city of Daejeon it is much better. It's a small town that looks like a village, but for technology it's very good and not inferior to other big cities. So far, Ind...