
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2020

South Korean independence

South Korea became independent with the name REPUBLIC OF KOREA (ROK), 대한민국 August 15, 1945 North Korea became independent under the name DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KOREA (DPRK) 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 9 September 1945 On August 15, 1945, Japan declared unconditional surrender to the Allied Forces and the independence that Korea had long hoped would finally arrive.  On that day, the country's leaders, including Yeo Un-hyeong, formed a Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the Korean State. Various activities were held throughout the country to support the preparation. Freedom fighters who fought overseas returned to Korea. The United States requested assistance from the United Nations in September 1947 regarding the subsequent fate of South Korea. The UN General Assembly made a resolution in November to form and send the UNTCOK (United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea) or the United Nations Interim Commission in Korea to hold elections and des...

Kemerdekaan korea selatan

Korea selatan merdeka dengan nama REPUBLIC OF KOREA (ROK),  대한민국   15 agustus 1945 Korea utara merdeka dengan nama DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KOREA (DPRK)  조선   민주주의   인민공화국   9 september 1945 Pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1945, Jepang menyatakan penyerahan tanpa syarat kepada Tentara Sekutu dan kemerdekaan yang telah lama diharapkan rakyat Korea akhirnya tiba. Pada hari itu, para pemimpin negara, termasuk Yeo Un-hyeong, membentuk Komite Persiapan untuk Pendirian Negara Korea. Berbagai aktivitas diselenggarakan di seluruh negeri untuk mendukung persiapan itu. Para pejuang kemerdekaan yang berjuang di luar negeri kembali ke Korea. Amerika Serikat meminta bantuan kepada Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa pada bulan September 1947 mengenai nasib Korea Selatan selanjutnya. Majelis Agung PBB membuat resolusi pada bulan November untuk membentuk dan mengirim UNTCOK (United Nations Temporary Commision on Korea) atau Komisi Sementara PBB di Korea untuk mengada...

South Korean War and North Korea 1950

On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea and the real war began. North Korea, supported by the Soviet Union and China, came across the 38th Parallel and fought with South Korean troops. In response, the UN Security Council provided assistance to South Korea and immediately began sending troops. In total, 21 countries contribute to UN forces, but the main support comes from the United States, which provides about 90% of military personnel. Initially, this war was a defensive war for the United States and the Allies to drive communists out of South Korea, but the North Korean army was well disciplined, trained and equipped with good weapons. Meanwhile South Korea's strength, on the other hand, is frightened, confused and tends to want to escape from the battlefield. Moreover, it was one of the worst summers and the United States army was forced to drink water from rice fields that had been contaminated with human waste so that diseases emerged that infected t...

Perang korea selatan dan korea utara 1950

Pada 25 Juni 1950, Korea Utara menginvasi Korea Selatan dan perang sesungguhnya pun dimulai. Korea Utara, yang didukung oleh Uni Soviet dan Tiongkok, datang melewati the 38th Parallel dan terlibat pertempuran dengan pasukan Korea Selatan. Sebagai tanggapan, Dewan Keamanan PBB memberikan bantuan kepada Korea Selatan dan segera mulai mengirimkan pasukannya. Secara keseluruhan, 21 negara berkontribusi terhadap pasukan PBB, tetapi dukungan utama datang dari Amerika Serikat, yang menyediakan sekitar 90% personel militer. Pada awalnya, perang ini merupakan perang defensif bagi Amerika Serikat dan Sekutu untuk mengusir komunis keluar dari Korea Selatan, namun tentara Korea Utara didisiplinkan dengan baik, terlatih dan dilengkapi dengan persenjataan baik.  Sedangkan kekuatan Korea Selatan sebaliknya, ketakutan, bingung dan cenderung ingin melarikan diri dari medan perang. Terlebih lagi saat itu adalah salah satu musim panas terparah dan tentara Amerika Serikat terpaksa ...

Establishment of the Republic of South Korea

The US submitted the Korean problem to the United Nations in September 1947 for a Resolution on Korea. In November 1947, the United Nations adopted a resolution stipulating that the formation of a Korean government be postponed after an elected representative of the Korean people, and a United Nations Interim Commission on Korea was formed to monitor the election process. The Soviet Union objected to this UN resolution, and in January 1948 refused to recognize the commission into the northern half of Korea. Democratic elections were held only in the southern part of Korea on May 10. Congress seats were reserved for the North Korean delegation, but the seats were not filled. The government provides 300 seats in the Korean National Council. Only 200 delegates from South Korea filled the seats. The council elects 21 members, who made laws which elect Syngman Rhee as its president. The constitution was approved by the council to form a presidential government following ...

Pendirian republik korea selatan

AS mengajukan masalah Korea ke PBB pada September 1947 untuk sebuah Resolusi atas Korea. November 1947, PBB menyetujui sebuah resolusi yang menetapkan bahwa pembentukan sebuah pemerintahan Korea ditangguhkan setelah perwakilan terpilih rakyat Korea, dan Komisi Sementara PBB atas Korea dibentuk untuk memantau proses pemilu. Uni Soviet berkeberatan terhadap resolusi PBB ini, dan pada Januari 1948 menolak untuk mengakui komisi ke dalam separoh bagian utara Korea. Pemilu yang demokratis diselenggarakan hanya di bagian selatan Korea pada 10 Mei kursi kongres disiapkan untuk delegasi Korea Utara, namun kursi-kursi tersebut tidak terisi. Pemerintah menyediakan 300 kursi di Dewan Nasional Korea. Hanya 200 delegasi dari Korea Selatan yang mengisi kursi. Dewan memilih 21 anggota, yang membuat undang-undang yang mimilih Syngman Rhee sebagai presidennya. Konstitusi disetujui oleh dewan untuk membentuk pemerintahn presidensial mengikuti model AS dan pemilu preseiden untuk period...

The period of occupation of the United States and the Soviet Union in South Korea

SOUTH KOREA: SEPTEMBER 1945- AUGUST 1948, During World War II, most of the resistance in Asia against Japanese forces was carried out by the US, at the expense of lives and materials. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union was only a spectator because the country had a non-aggression treaty with Japan until the last seconds of World War II. Until Russia realized that the Japanese surrender was permanent, Russian troops quickly entered the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. August 15, 1945, during Japanese surrender, Russian troops occupied most of northern Korea. At that time, US troops did not show their presence on the Korean Peninsula until a month later, in mid-September. To prevent Russian occupation from all over Korea, a hasty decision was made in Washington to draw a line of demarcation that divides the Korean Peninsula into two occupying zones of Russian and US troops. Initially, this line was not intended for political separation, but for military purposes, namely the ...

Periode pendudukan amerika serikat dan uni soviet di korea selatan

KOREA SELATAN: SEPTEMBER 1945- AGUSTUS 1948, Selama PD II, sebagian besar perlawanan di Asia menghadapi pasukan Jepang dilakukan AS, dengan pengorbanan jiwa dan material. Sementara, Uni Soviet hanya penonton karena negara ini mempunyai perjanjian non-agresi dengan Jepang sampai detik-detik terakhir masa PD II.   Sampai Rusia sadar bahwa penyerahan Jepang adalah tetap, pasukan Rusia dengan cepat masuk ke bagian utara Semenanjung Korea. 15 Agustus 1945, saat penyerahan Jepang, pasukan Rusia menduduki sebagian besar Korea bagian utara. Saat itu, pasukan AS belum menunjukkan keberadaannya di Semenanjung Korea hingga sebulan kemudian, yaitu pertengahan September. Untuk mencegah pendudukan Rusia di seluruh Korea, keputusan tergesa-gesa dilakukan di Washington untuk menarik garis demarkasi yang membagi Semenanjung Korea menjadi dua zona pendudukan pasukan Rusia dan AS. Awalnya, garis ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk pemisahan politik, tetapi untuk tujuan militer, yak...

March 1 movement in South Korea in 1919

The March 1 Movement, also known as the Sam-il Movement (3-1) (Hangul: 삼일 운동 ) was one of the earliest public appearances of Korean resistance during the Korean rule by Japan from 1910 to 1945. His name refers to events that occurred on March 1, 1919, the name of the movement literally means "Three-One Movement" or "March First Movement" in Korea. This is also sometimes referred to as the Man-se Demonstration (Korean: 만세 운동 Manse Undong). The Samil Movement emerged as a reaction to the oppressive nature of colonial rule under the de facto military rule of the Japanese Empire after 1905, and was inspired by "Fourteen Points" which outlined the national "self-determination" national rights, which was proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference in Paris January 1918. After hearing news of Wilson's speech, Korean students studying in Tokyo issued a statement demanding freedom from the colonial government....