The term royal term that often appears in dramas with the theme of ancient history in Korea that you should know

Wang ( 왕 ) - King , Wang means king. This call is given to the number one person in the kingdom. Wang's specialty was robes with luxurious motifs and headdresses. Wang-myeong / Go-myeong ( 왕명 / 고명 ) - King's will , Wang-myeong is the last will of a king, be it will or ruler. Including the name assigned to continue the throne. Manse ( 만세 ) - Horay !, In practice, the word 'Manse!' Is used as an exclamation such as 'Horay!' Or 'Hooray!'. Meanwhile, literally, 'Manse' means ten thousand. And historically used as a cry of hope that the king will live long. That's why in saeguk (royal) dramas people shout "manse, manse, manmanse!" When a new king ascends the throne. Wangbi / Daebi ( 왕비 / 대비 ) - Queen / Queen Mother , 'Wangbi' means queen, that is, the woman who is the current king's wife. Meanwhile, 'Daebi' refers to the queen mother, namely the mother of the king or what is commonly called the queen mother...