Exhibition of hanbok illustrations in hallyu content with the Korean Cultural Center Indonesia

The Korean cultural center of Indonesia held an event at one of the malls in Jakarta, the name of this event is "Exhibition of hanbok illustrations in Hallyu content". This event is held for one week from 26 April to 2 May 2021. In this event we can see some hanbok illustration works drawn by Indonesians who love Korean culture, in this event we not only see industrial works but we can also use hanbok that has been provided by the Korean cultural center, and here we are. can get souvenirs in the form of Korean traditional fans, travel tags and Korean traditional small bags. HANBOK, KOREA'S CULTURE, Korean traditional clothing with a history dating back around 5,000 years, Korean people make hanbok with fabrics from hemp, cotton, silk, and others. Not only attractive but also provide effective protection for the body, during hot and cold seasons. Hanbok is characterized by elegant lines and shapes that create a calm aura for the hanbok wearer, the hanbok transform...