
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2019

Korean street food in Indonesia

On Wednesday, November 27, 2019, the South Korean cultural center in Indonesia holds an event every month, a themed event (Introducing typical Korean roadside food), the event is free and is free of charge, participants only need to register their names , telephone numbers and e-mails, all ages and groups can also join this event.  the people who attended the event were also very numerous and because they were very interested, in this event the food that was introduced was Ttaebokki and odeng, in this place we could also cook for ourselves and also mix the spices we wanted, and of course according to our tastes . Street Food is ready-to-eat food or drinks that are sold on the streets or public areas, by hawkers or peddlers, sometimes from tents or kiosks that are easily cleared up. Most Street Food is divided into types of finger food (food that can be eaten with your fingers) and fast food (fast food). There are two meals that are served in this event, name...

korean street food di indonesia

Pada hari Rabu tanggal 27 November 2019, Pusat kebudayaan Korea Selatan yang berada di Indonesia mengadakan sebuah acara setiap bulan, acara kali bertemakan   (Memperkenalkan makanan pinggir jalan khas Korea Selatan), acara ini gratis dan tidak dipungut biaya apapun, para peserta hanya cukup mendaftarkan nama, nomor telepon dan juga email, semua usia dan kalangan juga bisa mengikuti acara ini.   masyarakat yang hadir dalam acara ini juga sangat banyak dan karena mereka sangat tertarik sekali, dalam acara ini makanan yang diperkenalkan ada Ttaebokki dan odeng, di tempat ini juga kita bisa memasak sendiri dan juga meracik sendiri bumbu yang kita inginkan, dan pastinya sesuai dengan selera kita. Street Food adalah makanan atau minuman siap santap yang dijual di jalanan atau area publik, oleh penjaja atau penjual keliling, kadang-kadang dari tenda atau kios yang mudah dibereskan. Kebanyakan Street Food dibagi ke dalam jenis makanan finger food (makanan yang bisa ...

Make Norigae and Korean traditional fan in KCC Indonesia

On Monday, November 18, 2019, the Korean Cultural Center Indonesia held an event that was making Norigae handicrafts and traditional Korean fans, and also watched the theater performance "The Last Empress". So for this Korean event or event held directly at the Korean cultural center in Indonesia, located in Jakarta, the people who attended the event could feel how to make Norigae and also Korean traditional fans, Ngomong Ngomong What is Norigae? Norigae, a traditional accessory originating from Korea, is increasingly stealing the market's attention. The unique and beautiful shape is very attractive when paired with traditional Korean clothing. Norigae is usually hung on women's clothing like Jeogori Goreum or Hanbok Chima. The use of Norigae is often seen in Korean drama series with a royal era, such as Jewel in the Palace. Yeong-ae Lee, the main actor Seo Jang-Geum in the television series The Great Jang Geum along with other female actors wearin...

Membuat Norigae dan kipas tradisional korea

Pada hari Senin 18 November 2019, Korean Cultural Center Indonesia mengadakan acara yaitu membuat kerajinan tangan Norigae dan kipas tradisional Korea, dan juga menonton pertunjukan teater "The last Empress". Jadi untuk kegiatan atau acara Korea kali ini diadakan langsung ditempat pusat kebudayaan Korea yang ada di Indonesia letaknya di Jakarta, masyarakat yang hadir dalam kegiatan ini bisa merasakan bagaimana cara membuat Norigae dan juga kipas tradisional Korea, Ngomong Ngomong apa itu Norigae ? Norigae, aksesori tradisional yang berasal dari Korea ini kian mencuri perhatian di pasaran. Bentuknya yang unik dan cantik sangat menarik bila dipadankan dengan busana tradisional Korea. Norigae biasanya digantungkan pada pakaian perempuan seperti Jeogori Goreum atau Hanbok Chima. Pemakaian norigae sering terlihat dalam serial drama Korea dengan latar zaman kerajaan, seperti Jewel in the Palace. Yeong-ae Lee, pemeran utama Seo Jang-Geum dalam serial televisi The...

Korea study fair in indonesia 2019

On Saturday, November 9, 2019 in the series of 2019 Korean Festival events in Indonesia, there was an event called "Exhibition of Korean studies in Indonesia". The 43 Korean universities that attended this event, they introduced and supported their respective campuses, having all the advantages and disadvantages of each campus, from all the existing campuses, they offered guaranteed low tuition fees. Some campuses do not only offer to study, but also offer to study Korean such as Korean language courses, Korean learning systems or study there, for different offers on each campus, There are courses for only 6 months, there is also a Korean language course for 1 year. Certainly with different costs. The event offered in Korea, the people who attended the event were very confident and they continued to study in their favorite country, Korea. Of the several visitors who attend every year for this event, there are quite a lot and it is large and many ...

Korea study fair in indonesia 2019

Pada hari Sabtu 9 November 2019 dalam rangkaian acara Korean festival 2019 di Indonesia, ada acara yaitu "Korean study fair in Indonesia". Dalam acara ini ada banyak sekali 43 universitas Korea yang hadir dalam acara ini, mereka memperkenalkan dan mempromosikan kampus mereka masing masing dengan semua keunggulan dan kelebihan dari masing masing kampus, dari semua kampus yang ada, mereka menawarkan biaya kuliah yang murah tetapi tetap terjamin. Beberapa kampus yang ada tidak hanya menawarkan untuk kuliah saja, tetapi ada juga   menawarkan untuk belajar bahasa Korea saja seperti kursus bahasa Korea, sistem belajar bahasa Korea ataupun berkuliah disana, untuk penawarannya berbeda beda pada setiap kampus yang ada, Ada yang untuk kursus hanya 6 bulan saja, ada juga yang kursus bahasa Korea untuk 1 tahun. Pastinya dengan biaya yang berbeda. Acara ini mengacu pada penawaran untuk menempuh pendidikan di Korea, masyarakat yang hadir dalam acara ini tentunya sanga...

Commemorative reception for the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN - Korea Dialogue Relations

2019 ASEAN - Republic of KOREA Commemorative summit The 1st Mekong - Republic of KOREA Summit, More than 10.000 attendees are expected to participate in the summit and other special event, including the leaders and delegations of ASEAN countries and the general public and business people of the two regions, the summit will play a crucial role in significantly advancing the relations between Korea and ASEAN. Korea hosted two special summits with ASEAN in jeju and busan in 2009 and 2014 respectively and the third special summit will be held in busan this year, this makes Korea the first nation to host all of the three special summit in it's own country with asean out of all the countries that have a dialogue relationship with the regional body, which is a testament to ASEAN trust in and support of korea commitment to cooperation with the region, this year meeting will serve as an opportunity to evaluate the 30 years of the Asean - Korea relations and present a vision for ...