Online talk show webinar with the theme “Apa Kabar Indonesia?” with the South Korean ambassador to Indonesia Park Tae Sung

On Friday 29 January 2020, the Korean cultural center Indonesia together with the ambassador, Park Tae Sung, held an Online Talk Meeting with the theme "Apa Kabar Indonesia?", this event was attended by many participants from honorary Reporters Korea.Net, Sahabat Korea (Online supporters of the embassy Korea in Indonesia) and those attending the webinar were also the Hallyu lovers community. In this webinar, we talked to give questions to the ambassador, because Ambassador Park Tae Sung is the new Korean ambassador to Indonesia, replacing the previous ambassador, Kim Chang Beom. Many of us raised questions to the ambassador. There is a question about Indonesian culture in the field of clothing, namely traditional Indonesian clothing called "Batik". How is Batik according to the Ambassador? Batik is a traditional Indonesian dress and can be worn at any moment, be it formal or non-formal, so it can be adjusted if you want to use batik clothes in any event, and e...