Jeju Fire Festival, festival yang sangat unik dan khas dari pulau jeju pada saat musim dingin tiba

Held annually to celebrate the first full moon in the Korean calendar, this festival is a must-visit, Korea does have a million festivals that are ready to present you all about Korea. As a country that highly values tradition, every year various ceremonies are carried out by all Korean people. One of them is celebrating the first full moon in the Korean calendar, in Korean itself it is more often called Jeongwol Daeboreum. Jeju Fire Festival is a representative cutural festival related to Jeju's culture of livestock care. In the past, the village fields would be burned between late winter and early spring in order to prepare the fields for a new harvest, as well as kill any pests in the soil. While this practice is no longer used in modern times, the festival is still held to remember and celebrate the culture. Various folk games and hands-on programs are available throughout the festival period. South Korean people also regularly hold the Jeju Fire Festival every year to ...